Monday, January 19, 2009

killer winds!

There are many things that I have to get used to being in a different country and all. Such as five minute showers, a 25 minute walk to school everyday, and a semi-language barrier. However, the most difficult of all aside from guiness has proven to be the weather.

The past couple of days have just been horrible and I thought I knew what bad weather was having lived in upstate New York and all, but nothing could have prepared me for Ireland's weather. The wind is so strong I almost got lifted up twice on Saturday walking to immigration. It is also not just the wind it is a combo of rain and wind. The rain is so hard that it hurts against your skin and umbrellas do not work against this weather. My brand new umbrella broke today due to the wind.

I generally do not mind severe weather because I either don't go out or dress accordingly. This weather I cannot escape it seems since I have to go out for school and no attire seems to be appropriate.

End rant.

Sorry just storms get me mad, who knew?

Until more interesting times!

Monday, January 12, 2009

First week in Ireland

Hi everyone,

So It has been a little bit over a week since I arrived in Ireland. Orientation in Dublin came and went we didn't do anything too special. I went to the Guiness Storehouse where I had my first pint of Guiness. It was definitely interesting and a taste that needs to be acquired.

We arrived in Galway on Wednesday. I was the only one in my apartment since I am the only American here and it was pretty lonely. On Friday we left for our home stay which lasted until Sunday evening. Nothing too exciting happend. Another girl from the program and I stayed with a young couple and their 7 year old boy and girl twins out in the country. they live in the picturesque Irish village, with the sheep and cobble stone fences.

Today was my first day of classes and all I have to say is that they lied when we were told the system here is easier. I had the same class twice today among other classes. My classes started from 9 in the morning and didn't end until 4pm.

Well its getting late over here and I have to go register for classes early tomorrow, so I will try to keep everyone updated.

Until more exciting times!