Sunday, December 7, 2008

Finals are coming up

Sorry that I haven't written anything in a couple of months. So to update everyone I am going abroad to Ireland from Jan. 3 to May 23. I will be attending the National University of Ireland Galway. Then In the fall I will be in Florence. Then in the spring I will be in Paris. After three semesters abroad I will return to Wells to write my thesis and graduate. But until then I will leave Wells on Dec. 19th and will be in Patterson until Jan 3.

Until more exciting times!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My first blog!

So after resisting for so long I have started a blog in order for people back home in California can know what I am up to in upstate New York. This will also be my blog when I am abroad.

Since this is purely non-academic my grammar might not be the best specially my punctuation.

For this semester my blogs might not be the most interesting or up to date. This is mainly to be used as a way to stay in contact with friends and family for when I am abroad.

I am writing this from my new job at the String Gallery at Wells. My job is not demanding very much of me right now which is why I have time to type this up. Nothing to exciting today except that it is so hot! Humidity is not my friend but it is a moderate price to pay for living in such a beautiful place like Aurora.

My plans for today are not too exciting just going to Dories to get some food later and homework this afternoon.

Until a more exciting time!